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Sustainable Ocean Ecology by Farmsio – The Key to future of food security. The growing human population, increase in per capita income and the global shift in the interest for nutritious food is considering raising the demand for Aquatic food resources.
As you know marine species feed 17-18% of the world’s population. This we can classify into Fresh Water Aquaculture, that is inland freshwater fisheries and Seafood, that is the foods from the sea and marine resources.
Resource constraints like availability of land, proper water quality of required quantity exist. In the future seafood alone can meet the need. Ocean ecosystem provides 80% of the world’s biodiversity, so it is highly important to have control over the magnitude of ocean fishing and protect our marine flora and fauna. It is a challenging task to maintain biodiversity.
Facts that we should know…
40% of the earth is covered by the common oceans.
The common Oceans are not governed by any single nation, it is common for all.
The common Oceans are called “Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).
All Nations are jointly responsible to manage ABNJ health
ABNJ is funded by GEF – Global Environment Facility and FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation by United Nations (UN).
The Role of the ABNJ program to maintain Sustainable Ocean Ecology:
Common Oceans ABNJ program is a joint initiative by all the nations and takes responsibility to maintain the Common oceans in a sustainable way which results in improving fisheries management in edible fish production and biodiversity conservation in the common oceans.
ABNJ program is aimed at;
1. Build Cooperation among countries
2. Raise awareness on ocean issues
3. Offer Training programs to keep the oceans cleaner and more sustainable.
Here are the 4 key ways that the ABNJ Program teaches to maintain Sustainable Ocean Ecology to make oceans cleaner and sustainable sources of Food – The key to future Food Security
1. Reducing Overfishing of Selective Marine Species
2. Protecting Non-Edible marine Species life
3. Safeguarding Deep Sea Vulnerable Marine life
4. Preventing Illegal, unreported, and Unregulated Fishing
1. Reducing Overfishing of Selective Marine Species
The Common Oceans Program was instrumental in developing more sustainable and transparent procedures to limit the over-catching of specific species. ABNJ program facilitates the collaboration between Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMOs) of various countries with the Marine Scientists to advise on the negative consequence of overfishing any selective breeds like “Tuna” that disrupt the balance of the marine ecosystem.
2. Protecting Non-Edible marine Species life
As you all know, every year thousands of non-edible marine species such as sharks, seabirds, sea turtles, sea snakes, and plenty of other marine mammals are accidentally caught in commercial fishing gear.
The Common Oceans Program has introduced improved gillnet fishing techniques and lowered bycatch, simply by placing the nets two meters deeper. This simple, low-cost solution has reduced the mortality of marine mammals caught by gillnet fisheries in the Indian Ocean by 98 percent!
3. Safeguarding Deep Sea Vulnerable Marine life
Fishing can also have unintended consequences on fragile ecosystems that are home to important groups of species, communities, or habitats by supporting new assessment protocols, such as preventing fishing activities near the specific zones where the deep-sea coral reefs and sponges thrive.
4. Preventing Illegal, unreported, and Unregulated Fishing
Modern tools like “Electronic Monitoring System (EMS)”, which monitors fishing activity and records fishing operations using high-definition cameras, satellite geolocation, and vessel monitoring systems help to provide estimates of marine life that may have been captured by accident. The vision of Farmsio includes such a technology application and environmental protection. Applications that are on the anvil include monitoring tools for preventing illegal and unregulated fishing
Seafood meets 17-18% of human food requirements. Unless the fauna and flora of the oceans are protected, biodiversity will be disturbed. FAO has undertaken a program to protect oceanic sustainability. Technology plays a major role in maintaining ocean ecology. The vision of Farmsio includes developing appropriate Aquaculture Management Software systems using satellite-based data, Seafood supply chain for Traceability, protection, sustenance, and to feed the human population.
Contact Farmsio – For Climate-Smart Food Traceability Solutions that can be adopted across various Agriculture Sectors across all geographics and in the food value chain to promote sustainable sourcing, transparency and greater accountability.
Farmsio Food Traceability Solution addresses the various challenges faced by the aquaculture industry in terms of promoting transparency, addressing the IUU issues. IUU is a major challenge in the seafood industry. Combining with the Farmsio M&E tools industry can address the IUU issues.
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Information and image courtesy: FAO/ABNJ program.